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BCC LinkToChina Programme - Summer News 2011

01.09.2011 20:31 by British European Design Group

UK-China business matchmaking

Highlight of UK inward investment potential in Beijing.

At the national China Enterprise Outbound Investment Conference at the end of April, the Thames Valley was presented as the selected prime British location for Chinese investors who were among the audience of more 1000 participants. Dr. Kegang Wu, speaking at the plenary session, highlighted UK locations where BCC LinkToChina will operate. He also lauded the LinkToChina platform as the solution for identifying investment opportunities in the UK.

Paul Britton, the Inward Investment manager of Thames Valley Chamber, spoke at the breakout session ‘Invest In UK’ on the region being the leading location for investment with market potential, cost effectiveness, service efficiency, infrastructure and investment attractiveness. A number of Chinese investors expressed their interest to come to the region and some have since visited. The next session of the Conference will be held in Beijing in April 2012.


BCC LinkToChina is inviting business proposals and enquiries from LinkToChina subscribers for our next UK-China Business Matchmaking Bulletin (UK matchmaking opportunities).

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